Script and idea form

    Thank you for contacting Anagram and sharing your idea or script with us!
    In order for us to be able to best evaluate your idea we ask you to provide us with the information below.
    Please attach relevant documents at the end of the form.

    Anagram Sweden does not accept unsolicited materials in order to avoid potential misunderstandings in case your idea or work has similarities with any project we are developing at Anagram. Please note that if you submit an idea, work or project to us you have understood that by making such a submission, Anagram has no obligation to you or your submission and you have no claim based on such a submission.

    We analyze all the projects, but we are unfortunately unable to give feedback to everybody. If additional information is needed, we will get back to you; and also, if we somehow want to proceed with this project. We are primarily looking for complete packages and scripts offered by professional writers.

    Thank you!

    Anagram Sverige

    *All data you provide us will be processed according to the EU Data Protection regulations (EU 2016/679).
    Read more about how we handle your personal details.
    By ticking the box below you approve of Anagram handling and storing your information.

    I agree