Jamali Maddix is the critically acclaimed comedian, whose unique voice and style make him one of the most sought after comedians in the UK today.

His natural confidence and charm allow him to tread gracefully across more sensitive topics leaving many of his contemporaries behind. His last tour sold out across the globe, playing in the UK, Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. Among other things, he has appeared on “Live at the Apollo”, “The late night show with James Cordon” and was probably the most anarchist participant ever in the BBC’s Taskmaster.

Jamali has been described as an amazingly funny and original talent. His debut performance ‘Chickens Come Home to Roost’ at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2016 sold out and was a critical success. In 2019 he made a praised appearance at the Lund Comedy Festival and now we’re extremely happy to get to welcome him back to Scandinavia.

With a new show from 2022, KING CRUD,  Jamali will be tackling more issues of morality and justice as well as Jamali’s own personal growth and experiential learnings. A master of the craft, this latest show is not to be missed.

Language: English
Duration: 60-70 min

2/9 Lund TICKETS
3/9 Copenhagen TICKETS
4/9 Oslo TICKETS
5/9 Gothenburg TICKETS
6/9 Stockholm (as part of lineup) TICKETS

Green Quiz with Gunnel Carlson

A funny and scientific quiz with gardening and plants at the centre. Challenge yourself or join together with your friends to form a team, to play trivia in its most laid-back and social form. On stage Gunnel is accompanied by pianist Caroline Leander, who brings a touch of music to the beautiful Birgit Nilsson Hall.   

Gunnel Carlson is one of Sweden’s most famous gardening journalists and lecturer. She has been recognized in Swedish television, countless articles and multiple books. For 12 consecutive years, Gunnel had her own gardening shows on SVT, Gröna Rum and Gunnels Gröna. She also regularly appears on the evening show Go’kvĂ€ll. Get ready to utilize all your knowledge about flowers and plants in this Green Quiz!  

Ravinen Konserthus – Birgit Nilsson Hall
23 March 2023 – 7 PM

Kulturhuset Trycket – Södra Sandby
23/5 2023 19:00

Language: Swedish
Duration of show: 70 minutes 

Photo: Pernilla Bergdahl 

BÀst Före · Henrik Widegren

Two days before he turned 50, Henrik received a letter from Region SkÄne. His first thought was that his employer wanted to congratulate him on his birthday. Instead, it was an offer to screen for prostate cancer. Countless similar letters followed, informing about effective teeth bleaching, laser eye surgery and how to treat sagging skin.  

The discussion about wrinkles, signs of aging and various preventative treatments are talked about with much engagement in the media and private life. Workout tips, wrinkle creams and anti-aging diets have never before been this prominent in discussions. But why do we think so much about age? What actually happens to the body as we get older and is there anything we can actually do anything about it? Is 70 the new 20?  

Through anecdotes, humour and song, Henrik explains how age-related crises are best treated with a bit of joy! 

About Henrik Widegren
Henrik Widegren is an ear, nose and throat doctor and has in the past few years been seen in SVT’s popular science show “FrĂ„ga Lund”. Along with being a doctor at the university hospital in Lund, Henrik is also a performer, lecturer, songwriter and columnist. He has toured the country since 2019, with own shows surrounding humour, music and medicine. With the perfect combination of artistry, information and education, Henrik has created the entertaining one-man-shows “Medicine’s Sick History”, “Sick, Healthy or in Between?” and “Best Before”.

Duration of show: 75 minutes
Language: Swedish 

James Acaster – Hecklers Welcome

‘One of comedy’s most original voices’ (Evening Standard) hasn’t been able to perform live since 2019, because of the global pandemic, but he is finally back. Join him for a largely improvised show from his uniquely whimsical brain.

James Acaster has received acclaim from around the world, including a record breaking five consecutive nominations for ‘Best Comedy Show’ at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and is the first UK comic to shoot more than one Netflix Original special. His books, Classic Scrapes and Perfect Sound Whatever, made the Sunday Times bestseller list and his podcast with Ed Gamble, Off Menu, regularly graces the iTunes top 10 list.

“A comedy genius at the peak of his powers” Guardian


Come laugh (and maybe even shed a tear) when one of Sweden’s most expressive and talented artists comes to a stage near you! Through humorous dialogue and song, Charlotta provides a surprisingly empathetic narrative about the experiences of being a mom, partner and friend. Packed with satire and irony, this show is far from ordinary. This is a show you cannot miss!  

Duration of show: 60 min
Recommended age: from 18 years
Language: Swedish 

Ticket sale: 14 February, 12 PM 

Grand Comedy Club

The Autumn season for Grand Comedy Club at Grand Hotel in Lund was a great success and the Spring season kicks off January 30 and continues on 27 February, as well as 2 April and 23 April. On stage: three comedians who perform to make your night enjoyable, unpredictable and entertaining. This is a concept you don’t want to miss! 

The night is split into two acts starting at 7 PM. The doors open at 6:30 PM and the bar is open all night!  

Grand Comedy Club is produced in collaboration with Lund Comedy Festival/Anagram Live and Grand Hotel. Hosts are Erik BörĂ©n and Johan RĂŒnow.  

Spring program 2024:

Jan 30: Patrik Larsson, Elinor Svensson and Elvira Gullberg

Feb 27: Thanos Fotas, Victor Wu and Hanna K Mölstad

April 2: Ann Westin, Elin Almén and Christer Svensson

April 23: Simon GÀrdenfors, Catrin Martinsson and Tomas Kaminski. 





If These Walls Could Bike (Om dessa vÀggar kunde cykla)

Hasse & Tage is one of Sweden’s most loved and famous comedic duos. They have left a profound mark on the Swedish comedy scene, through their countless skits, songs and monologues. In “If These Walls Could Bike – A Tribute to Hasse & Tage”, comedians Johan Glans, Emma Molin, Adde Malmberg, Mimi Terris and Eric Stern, accompanied by Marika Willstedt Trio, perform their takes on the old classics.  

Hasse & Tage have shaped decades of Swedish entertainment. Together with legends of their time, such as Monica Zetterlund, Gösta Ekman, and Lena Nyman, they have created success after success on both screen and stage. Unforgettable songs, witty lyrics and purposeful messages were their signature. Some of their most famous works include Svea Hund, Gröna Hund, Gula Hund, LĂ„dan, and 88-öresrevyn. Welcome to an evening full of classic skits, songs and monologues with a modern touch, featuring some of Sweden’s most prominent comedians! 

Said about the show: 
”A loving greatest hits show”
“A warm Hasse & Tage tribute”

”Emma Molin is elegant and convincing”
”Johan Glans delivers in real Hasse Alfredson style”
Svenska Dagbladet 

 Premiere: 18 November 2022
Location: Lilla Cirkus, Stockholm
Tickets: cirkus.se and ticketmaster.se
Period: 18 – 27 November 2022 

Lund Comedy Festival Pod

I Lund Comedy Festival Pod gĂ€stas den rutinerade poddaren och radioprofilen Susanna Dzamic av nĂ„gra av vĂ„ra mest uppskattade humorprofiler. Hon djupdyker i deras kreativa hjĂ€rnor och kommer dem nĂ€ra i samtal som kretsar kring humor, skapande och livet i stort. Lund Comedy Festival Pod kommer ut en gĂ„ng i mĂ„naden och ges ocksĂ„ live inför publik pĂ„ Lund Comedy Festival 2–4 september 2021.

Tack till vÄra samarbetsparter Sparbanken SkÄne (sÀsong 1) och Visit Lund (sÀsong 2)

Lund Comedy Festival

The funniest festival of all. In over ten years, Lund Comedy Festival has become the biggest celebration of humour not only in Sweden, but probably in the whole Nordic region. Nearly 150 performers take to the stages each year. A compilation of Sweden’s most beloved stars, combined with new talents and several international comedians. Many make this their premiere; others try out new material, and some perform tailored versions of their regular shows. Yet, all of them have one thing in common: they love to come back to Lund – mainly because of the fantastic audience they find here.

Partners and sponsors make the festival possible, including Sparbanken SkÄne, the municipality of Lund, Wihlborgs, Grand Hotel and more.

This years date: 29.8 – 31. 8 2024 

Sjuk, frisk eller mittemellan

Sjuk, frisk eller mittemellan Àr en koncentrerad mixtur av patienter, doktorer, medicin, musik, stetoskop och statistik. Det Àr en förestÀllning som verkligen sÀtter patienten i centrum.

Henrik Widegren Àr lÀkaren i SVT:s populÀrvetenskapliga program FrÄga Lund. Han Àr Àven lÄtskrivare, artist, förelÀsare, krönikör och youtubare. Under 2019 turnerade han i hela Sverige med sin soloförestÀllning Medicinens sjuka historia. Nu har han fÄtt ett Äterfall med sin nya förestÀllning Sjuk, frisk eller mittemellan. Det positiva med det Àr du fÄr trÀffa en doktor i hela 60 minuter. Det fÄr du aldrig göra annars!

QuizkvÀll pÄ Grand Hotel

TyvĂ€rr mĂ„ste vi meddela att den tĂ€nkta akten med Henrik Widegren “QuizkvĂ€ll pĂ„ Grand Hotel” den 6/10–2020 stĂ€lls in pĂ„ grund av fortsatt rĂ„dande publikrestriktioner. Det Ă€r utanför vĂ„r kontroll, men naturligtvis betalar vi tillbaka dina biljetter. VĂ„r biljettleverantör arbetar nu med Ă„terköp av samtliga biljetter som köpts via Eventim.se, och dessa pengar betalas tillbaka inom 4-6 veckor.

Om du köpt din biljett nÄgon annan stans ber vi dig vÀnda dig direkt till ditt inköpsstÀlle för Äterbetalning.

VÀnligen kontakta biljett@anagram.se om du har nÄgra frÄgor kring Äterköpet av dina biljetter.

Vi Àr ledsna för detta men hoppas kunna presentera ett nytt datum i framtiden.

Under 2020 bjuder vi in nÄgra av sina nÀrmsta vÀnner för att stÀlla till med frÄgesport i Stora salen pÄ Grand Hotel. Det blir gemenskap, kunskap och mat i quizets tecken.

Varje quiz bygger pÄ ett unikt tema som stÄr vÄra frÄgemÀstare nÀra. Först ut Àr lÀkaren och FrÄga Lund-panelisten Henrik Widegren, som bjuder pÄ fyndiga frÄgor om medicin, kropp, sjukvÄrd och hÀlsa. SÄ ta dina mest allmÀnbildade vÀnner under armen och kom till kunskapsoasen Grand Hotel den 14 april.

Ett grandiost pris utlovas till det vinnande laget!

Datum: 6 oktober 2020
Tid: 18:00 (dörrarna öppnas 17:30)
Pris: 395 kr ink. tilltugg och 1 dryck (öl, vin eller alkoholfritt)

OBS! Eventuella allergier eller sĂ€rskilda kostbehov meddelas till moten@grandilund.se vid biljettköp. MĂ€rk mailet ‘Quiz 6/10’.

The Sick History of Medicine

“The Sick History of Medicine” is 7000 years of medicine in a 70 minute show. Everything from Hippocrates to Dr Google. From plague to cholera, phlebotomy to lobotomy, animal magnetism to oral galvanism. Health care hasn’t always been healthy. Nurses haven’t always been nice. And doctors smoked Camel, because it was good for their health!

Henrik Widegren is the doctor and panellist who premiered his soloshow “The Sick History of Medicine” at Lund Comedy Festival 2018 – and received great reviews. This spring he gives an extended tour version of the same show.

The show is in Swedish

En julshow med Robin, Sissela och Ankan

Det började med att Robin Paulsson, Sissela Benn och Anders Ankan Johansson bestÀmde sig för att göra en talkshow tillsammans. Vid Jul. Efter att ha funderat lÀnge och vÀl kom de fram till att det var bÀttre att kalla den för julshow.
AlltsÄ en show om Jul. 
IstÀllet för om talk.
Robin Paulsson Àr inte bara en av Sveriges roligaste stÄuppare utan ocksÄ programledare för sin egen talkshow pÄ SVT. Sissela Benn och Ankan Àr tvÄ av vÄra vÄra mest Àlskade komiker och kÀnda frÄn ett otal olika TV-program och shower. Alla tre gillar Julen, bor i SkÄne och Àlskar att underhÄlla.
I En Julshow med Robin, Sissela och Ankan vÀrmer ni upp inför Julen med tre av SkÄnes roligaste komiker som bjuder pÄ ovÀntade gÀster, stand-up, galna upptÄg, sÄng och musik. Det kommer kanske inte bli de allra vackraste julsÄngerna, men vi garanterar att ni kommer att gÄ hem med ett brett leende och mÄnga ovÀntade julrim.


Datum: 29/11 kl 18.00, 30/11 kl 18.00, 1/12 kl 18.00, 1/12 kl 20.30, 6/12 kl 18.00, 7/12 kl 18.00, 8/12 kl 18.00, 8/12 kl 20.302018
Plats: StjÀrnteatern i Lund (Scandic Star Hotel, GlimmervÀgen 5, Lund)


Enbart show: 460 kr inkl moms, exkl serviceavgift
Show + julbord, inkl vÀrmande glögg innan showen startar: 795 kr inkl moms, exkl serviceavgift

Obs! Julshowen ges alltid innan julbordet. Till lördagsshowerna kl 20.30 finns enbart showbiljetter, men Scandic Star Hotels restaurang och bar Àr öppen med å la carte-alternativ.

För grupper över 25 personer, vÀlkommen att ringa eller maila oss, tel 046-285 25 13,


Till och frÄn StjÀrnteatern

Sveataxi i SkÄne erbjuder alla besökare till och frÄn StjÀrnteatern specialpris.
Vid bokningen uppge koden StjÀrntaxi för att utnyttja möjligheten.


Lundaquiz at Grand Hotel with Kalle Lind

What does the Scanian expression ”puggepövling” mean? And who made the original version of ”Susie Q”?

After missing his chance to be in the final of the TV-trivia ”PĂ„ spĂ„ret”, the all-knowing Kalle Lind is coming back to Lund for yet another season, to ask some tricky questions about anything and everything from Scanian dialectal phrases to historic events. Together with pianist and side-kick Karin Turesson the terrace of Grand Hotel is transformed into a buzzing source of knowledge. The winning team gets a prestigious prize.

In collaboration with Grand Hotel i Lund.

One glass of wine/beer or an alcohol free alternative is included in the ticket.

Danny Bhoy

Danny Bohy was a pretty new name to the festival audience at Lund Comedy Festival, Sweden, when he entered the big venue of the opening evening in 2015. But he was an immediate SUCCESS and the years after his shows at the same festival were sold out in no time. Now he returns with the show which sold out at 2017 Lund Comedy Festival: “Make Something Great Again For Stronger Better Future Tomorrow Together”.

Press voices:

”Danny Bhoy Ă€r enastĂ„ende. Den skotsk-indiske standuparen har allt, som ingen annan jag upplevt.”
Alexander Agrell, Sydsvenskan

“Subtle, intelligent, perceptive, observant and very, very funny.”
The Scotsman

“This is a show you could see time and time again. Exceptional.”
The Sunday Mail, Australia

Danny BhoyÂŽs unique brand of personal storytelling and razor sharp wit, combined with his easy going relaxed style have helped to make him into one of the most in-demand and critically-acclaimed comedians around the world.

Since his first solo show in a modest 60-seater at the Edinburgh Fringe back in 2001, Danny Bhoy’s star has continued to rise. His 8th solo show at the Fringe last year to packed-out houses in one of the biggest venues in town, tells only a small part of the incredible journey this young Scottish comic has taken.

In just a short few years, Danny has built up a massive following everywhere he has been. He has continually smashed his own box office records in Australia and New Zealand as well as in his home country of Scotland. As probably the most travelled comedian working in the World today, Danny’s unique brand of story-telling and razor sharp wit has been described as “effortlessly funny” by one critic, and “the stand up equivalent of Bill Bryson” by another.

Length: ca 75 mins
April 11 at 8.00 pm, Copenhagen Hotel Cecil (sold out, waiting list for returns)
April 12 at 8.30 pm, Göteborg Bio Roy
April 13 at 8.00 pm, Stockholm, Maximteatern
April 14 at 8.00 pm, Lund, StjÀrnteatern (only few tickets left)

On horseback through west bothnia

Olof Wretling and Sven Björklund from the comedy troupe Klungan set off on an expedition through the depopulated region to capture the county’s oral storytelling tradition. The result was a book, a performance – and a smashing success. Get to know the postman from DalkarlsĂ„, discover the Miami Vice villa in BrĂ€nde, hear the story behind how Åsele got the very first death clinic and why inbred people were long thought to be extra able-bodied.

A joint production with the family-owned company Wretling och Kult PR.



“Drastic humour, sometimes at genius level.” Örnsköldsviks Allehanda

“The whole thing is actually borderline genius” VĂ€sterbottenskuriren

“A really entertaining journey through West Bothnia and our deep-seated delusions” VĂ€sterbottens Folkblad

The Boy With Tape on His Face

Stand-up with no words, silence with noise, drama without acting – you have to see The Boy with your own eyes to understand.

Sam Wills is the street artist from New Zealand who got Sweden’s previous Minister for Fiscal and Financial Affairs Bo Lundgren to shake his hips during the 2011 Lund Comedy Festival. The following year, tickets to his famous show sold out in no time. His charming, simple, clever and unforgettable acts make critics applaud and audiences cheer. Sam had his breakthrough at one of the world’s biggest comedy festivals, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland, a handful of years ago. Since then, awards have rained over him and he has performed on stages around the world.


“Endlessly inventive, hysterically funny. Sublime physical lunacy – fight for a ticket.” TIME OUT ✭✭✭✭✭

A slapstick virtuoso.” THE LIST ✭✭✭✭✭

Wills is the last word in silent comedy.” THE GUARDIAN ✭✭✭✭

His eyes are amazing; he could probably do the whole show in a balaclava and still make you laugh.” THE SCOTSMAN ✭✭✭✭


Dylan Moran – Off the Hook

Dylan Moran’s stand-up delivers mocking, cynical lines and razor-sharp observations. His long-awaited comeback on the stand-up stage after three years of silence did not disappoint. The acclaimed performer has been named one of the world’s best comedians, boasting hit shows such as “Monster” (aired on SVT), “What It Is” and “Yeah, Yeah”. Dylan Moran is also known from a variety of films and television series.

A joint arrangement with Blixten & Co.


“has claimed a place among the stand-up greats” Herald Scotsman –  5/5

“even trumps Shakespeare” the Telegraph – 4/5

“his moaning is just as alive as it ever was” Manchester Evening News – 5/5

Come in and shut the door

Step inside Anders Jansson’s world of taxidermied animals, oversized headphones and a treasury of German phrases. The humourist’s first solo show wowed audiences for three seasons and has played in venues throughout Sweden. Get to know Anders and his seemingly endless array of peculiar ideas, clever reflections and associative musings. Text, images and music are a continuous theme throughout this award-winning performance that takes you on a personal journey of nostalgia, present and future, punctuated with improvisation and dialogues with the audience.

Length: approx. 85 minutes with no intermission
Premiere: 2 October 2015–November 2016



“What observations! What body language!”
“Anders Jansson delivers”
– Sydsvenskan

“Anders has a wonderful down-to-earth style. He cuts straight to the chase, with fresh humour and no nonsense.”
– SkĂ„nska Dagbladet

“We laugh until our sides ache and we’re gasping for breath, and perhaps the funniest aspect of all is that we are laughing both with and at Anders”
”Anders Jansson is one of Sweden’s funniest men”
– Eskilstuna Kuriren

“The jokes are so well-timed that you can hardly see them coming”
– Upsala Nya Tidning

“A gloriously composed comedy show”
“One of the comic geniuses”
– Nya LĂ€nstidningen Östersund

“The shrieks and snorts of laughter from all around the theatre almost break Anders’s concentration”
– Östersundsposten

“A rhythmic, rocking and pulsing stage show that reverberates in your memory for a long time”
– Östgöta Correspondenten

Nyfikat season 3

Yes to inquisitiveness! The best tool for gaining new influences, new perspectives and knowledge about ourselves and others. The series “Nyfikat” (a portmanteau of the words nyfiket, inquisitive, and fika, coffee break) features hosts Johan Wester and Anders Jansson chatting with guests they’ve never met before, in hilarious conversations driven by inquisitiveness about the guest’s knowledge and perspectives. New terms, free associations and many impressions abound. As well as quite a bit of wisdom and – lunacy.

Twelv guests in twelv different episodes filmed before a live audience. The first season aired in spring 2015.

Want to sit in the audience? Tickets here

In collaboration with Grand Hotel. With thanks to Sparbanken SkÄne.

Photo: Freddy Billqvist

Just the two of each of us

Beulah would eat a spider without hesitation to fit in with the cool kids. Nadine has lost an arm and wants it back. Franz’s problem is that life is too easy – a dithering king who can’t make decisions. He only has 700 years to make everything work. If he can’t do it, it means certain death for everyone.

The comic duo Pajama Men’s new show is quick-witted, full of improvisation, surprises and fast-paced physical humour. “Just the Two of Each of Us” is a titillating story consisting of seemingly unrelated tales that eventually melt together to form a comprehensible whole – all in typical Pajama Men spirit.

On the right side of okay

That’s the basis of the comedy troupe Klungan’s new show “On the Right Side of Okay”. After the hits “We are the Dowry” and “Watch Us Fly over the Stage at Terrifying Speeds”, the group is once again collaborating with director and choreographer Birgitta Egerbladh. Together they have created their own unique form of expression: a story-rich tragicomedy full of choreographic capers, meandering texts and a wild array of vocal pitches. In this show they also explore the use of sound as a narrative approach, an audio-visual terrain that has never before been explored.


In collaboration with Lunds teaterförening.

Anagram WORK

Anagram WORK is open to everyone who enjoys interdisciplinary encounters, who isn’t concerned with the ‘us versus them’ approach, with here or there, morning, lunch, afternoon or evening. It’s about getting together for a while, having a bit to eat or drink with others and seeing where your humour takes you. Come as you are, bring a friend or two – or as many as you like. Visions, ideas and thoughts – bring them too. See you there!


Christmas 2013

A glittering evening of top-notch entertainment, music and dance – and delicacies from a traditional Swedish Christmas smorgasbord. As in previous years, “Christmas 2013” at FĂ€rs & Frosta Sparbank Arena in Lund features some of our most popular singers: Eric Gadd, Shirley Clamp and Miriam Bryant, as well as the comedic talents of Thomas Petersson, Anders Jansson and Sissela Benn. Directed by the highly experienced Adde Malmberg with P-O Nilsson and his six-man band providing the music. Along with our own DJ, they’ll rock the floor both during and after the show.


In collaboration with AEC, Arena Event & Catering.

More Tape

The street performer from New Zealand is back. Critically acclaimed Sam Wills is touring Malmö, Lund, Stockholm and Gothenburg with his hit performance “More Tape”. Stand-up with no words, drama without acting and miming with sound in unforgettable, clever, charming and acclaimed acts.

Sam Will had his breakthrough at one of the world’s biggest comedy festivals, the Fringe in Edinburgh, a few years ago. Since then he has received numerous awards and performed on stages around the world. Now he’s back on Swedish soil and we can only offer our sincerest thanks – and laughter.


“Endlessly inventive, hysterically funny. Sublime physical lunacy – fight for a ticket.” TIME OUT ✭✭✭✭✭

A slapstick virtuoso.” THE LIST ✭✭✭✭✭

Wills is the last word in silent comedy.” THE GUARDIAN ✭✭✭✭                                                                                 

His eyes are amazing; he could probably do the whole show in a balaclava and still make you laugh.” THE SCOTSMAN ✭✭✭✭

Primates with mortgages

In the hit show “Primates with Mortgages”, Anders & MĂ„ns shave off their coats, don three-piece suits and try to comprehend the modern era. Why are we in such a hurry to yoga class? Why does warm air come out under the refrigerator? We know almost everything, yet understand practically nothing.

Our distant relatives from the Stone Age were unfamiliar with concepts like tape, hipsters and dishwashers. But otherwise, we’re pretty similar. But if we had the chance to go back in time, would we be able to explain to our new friends how to build a circuit board, or even a boat? While they would know how to kill and eat a hedgehog, we would only be able to do the same on our phones. Quite simply: we can do almost anything, but we have no idea how. But never fear, in this show Anders & MĂ„ns give you a fairly complete guide on how to survive to your dying day.


“Bordering on genius
” Expressen/KvĂ€llsposten

“The funniest thing I’ve seen in years” Aftonbladet

“Anders and MĂ„ns at peak form” Gefle Dagblad

“Superb comedy” Kristianstadsbladet

World Tour of Scandinavia

After two hectic years performing in “Spamalot” and the long-awaited feature film “Kvarteret Skatan reser till Laholm”, one of Sweden’s most popular and award-winning comedians returns to his favourite place – a stage with classic stand-up on the menu. In “World Tour of Skandinavien”, Johan Glans took brand-new material to Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and finally Sweden.

Now he’s offering an extra show in which all revenues go directly to the charity initiative Team Rynkeby’s fundraiser for the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation.


“You’re doubled over with laughter from the first second” Göteborgsposten

“Ninety minutes later, he’s cleared all the dust out /
/ with paroxysms of laughter” Expressen

“The audience is doubled over with laughter” “completely ingenious comedy of recognition” Aftonbladet

Christmas 2012

“Christmas 2012” at the FĂ€rs & Frosta Sparbank Arena in Lund boasts a traditional Swedish Christmas smorgasbord with dinner entertainment followed by a star-studded stage show with some of Sweden’s most popular comedians and singers. This year, no less than Lill-Babs herself graces the stage, accompanied by Johan Wester, comedians Anna Blomberg and MĂ„ns Nilsson, the latter of whom is also the director. Stand-up pro David Batra is the MC and P-O Nilsson is the bandleader. Accompanied by his six-man band, P-O delivers a rocking good time during and after the show.

“The group behind the somewhat predictable title is right on the mark with what people want out of a show after dinner and drinks: music, laughter, costumes, variation and a fast pace. All accompanied by a brilliant MC, welcoming and wicked all at the same time” Sydsvenskan

“An awesome finish with Lill-Babs in a double deluxe package” KvĂ€llsposten


The acclaimed “Buy milk. Write book.” is Anders Jansson’s and Johan Wester’s personal performance on the art of doing it all. On the inflation of to-do lists, the musts of everyday life and all the dreams we have in an era of endless options and boundless possibilities. The show moves quickly between laughter, exciting group exercises with the audience, strange thoughts and everyday observations, of the type that five-year-olds today can surf the Internet on an iPad but don’t know how to tie their shoes.


“The laughs just keep coming and spirits are high” Sydsvenskan

“A feel-good-show of the best quality” SkĂ„nska Dagbladet

“A festival of laughter with extra everything” KvĂ€llsposten

“Innovative, thought-provoking and very, very funny” Norra SkĂ„ne


The hit show “500” combines history and humour in a sort of PokĂ©mon-meets-university-quiz-bowl. The audience is involved from beginning to end – without feeling like they’re being quizzed on their homework. The idea is both simple and complex. Take 500 historical celebrities – presidents, Hollywood stars, feminists and fascists – and present them in a constant flow of stunning connections, insane facts and amusing oddities. Our hosts are the creators of the programme, who guide the audience through all the twists and turns of unexpected history, Anders Jansson and Johan Wester.

500 originally premiered in autumn 2007 in Lund and sold out every night. A whopping 55,000 people saw it, and it was a hit among critics and audiences alike.