Nyfikat season 3
Third season of Johan Wester and Anders Jansson's curious podcast. Start: 23/10
Yes to inquisitiveness! The best tool for gaining new influences, new perspectives and knowledge about ourselves and others. The series “Nyfikat” (a portmanteau of the words nyfiket, inquisitive, and fika, coffee break) features hosts Johan Wester and Anders Jansson chatting with guests they’ve never met before, in hilarious conversations driven by inquisitiveness about the guest’s knowledge and perspectives. New terms, free associations and many impressions abound. As well as quite a bit of wisdom and – lunacy.
Twelv guests in twelv different episodes filmed before a live audience. The first season aired in spring 2015.
Want to sit in the audience? Tickets here
In collaboration with Grand Hotel. With thanks to Sparbanken Skåne.
Photo: Freddy Billqvist