Did you know that Andy Warhol let his dog pee on the canvases? Or that Coco Chanel stayed in a suite at the Hotel Ritz for 30 years?

The hit show “500” combines history and humour in a sort of Pokémon-meets-university-quiz-bowl. The audience is involved from beginning to end – without feeling like they’re being quizzed on their homework. The idea is both simple and complex. Take 500 historical celebrities – presidents, Hollywood stars, feminists and fascists – and present them in a constant flow of stunning connections, insane facts and amusing oddities. Our hosts are the creators of the programme, who guide the audience through all the twists and turns of unexpected history, Anders Jansson and Johan Wester.

500 originally premiered in autumn 2007 in Lund and sold out every night. A whopping 55,000 people saw it, and it was a hit among critics and audiences alike.

Production company
Anagram Live AB
Production year
Anders Jansson och Johan Wester